Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Introducing Helium - our second shortlisted entrepreneur

Helene Hugel is the second of our 9 shortlisted entrepreneurs: She established Helium in 2009 to develop arts experiences which have the power to transform a child’s experience of hospitalisation. www.helium.ie

Formerly a puppeteer and children’s theatre-maker, Helene has a qualification in hospital play. She also worked as a clown doctor for five years with Northern Ireland Clown Doctors.

An estimated 200,000 children 0-18 are treated in hospital in Ireland each year and they can feel isolated, helpless and unhappy. Children with chronic illnesses necessitating multiple hospital attendances, difficult procedures and having low energy levels are twice as likely to suffer from low self-esteem and have mental health issues as adults, than healthy children.

There are currently 25 hospitals in Ireland with paediatric wards accounting for 990 inpatient beds. Helium aims to bring its arts programmes to all of these and also into Northern Ireland. Already Helium has helped 450 children, 220 family members, 21 artists and 40 healthcare workers.

Originally from upstate New York, Helene lives and works in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.

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